Friday, February 7, 2014

The GOP's debt-ceiling farce.
In this article, there is discussion about our nation's debt and how congress is proposing to hold Washington responsible for their spending. Although Congress has many ideas on how they plan to achieve this, our two political parties can not seem to agree on a bill to fix it. Leaving our nation in a standstill. Both parties want to blame one another about who's at fault. Really I think that both parties need to grow up and remember who they are truly hurting. The American People! So far they have attacked retired veteran's benefits after they have already retired. Now the Republicans are talking about tying the repair of the debt ceiling with the repeal of The Affordable Care Act. Either way that congress votes on this issue, the American people "the little guys" are paying the ultimate price. Fixing the ceiling means higher taxes, mortgage rates increasing, and problems with the stock market. If only Congress remembered the average American when making their decisions.

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