Friday, March 28, 2014

Fox News reports that the Democrats are going to need to do some serious damage control. Since the beginning of the year there have been quite a few democrats getting into trouble. Some allegations of serious offenses. The latest in this string of Democrats in trouble is California Senator Leland Yee who was caught trying to set an undercover agent up with an arms dealer. Senator Yee marks the third serious issue since the beginning of the year. First was Senator Cannon who is entangled in an FBI investigation for Federal Corruption. He supposedly received over $48,000, multiple plane tickets and hotel rooms from an undercover agent as an endorsement. On Friday of last week  Rhode Island Senator Gordon Fox's house and office were raided by the FBI, IRS and local police. The FBI is not yet saying what charges Senator Fox is facing. The next day Senator Fox resigned. With the Democrats having these issues right now they do not seem like a party the people would want to trust. The Democrats might be able to brush these issues off as just a couple bad eggs. Although it is a really bad time right now since the midterms for re election going on. Right now is not the time to be getting in trouble and having your party in the limelight. With this happening this could hurt the Democrats at election time for control of the Senate, the House and the Presidency. It does not help the Democrats since 59% of the people in the US do not agree with the Presidents decisions either. As a whole political party they are not looking like a very trustworthy group. I think it is time for them as a party to clean house of some bad eggs and find some new faces to run for these positions. That might help them come re election time.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tea Party Facing uphill challenge

In this article the author is talking about how the if the Tea Party want to be a possible candidate for the 2016 election the Tea Party is going to have a hard time. The Tea Party met for their five year anniversary in Washington.The Tea Party is running low of funds and in order to be a possible candidate; they are going to need to raise more money.  I think that the author is optimistic about the party. I wouldn't say that they are against the party but more isn't going to believe anything until they see it. I do agree with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz I think we are witnessing some amazing movements with our government. I do think I agree with the author I am not believing everything just yet. I think that if the Tea Party wants to be taken seriously they need to start winning debates and making some serious moves. I think if they can gain some support from some big investors and get some money to help fun their campaign; they may have a chance at putting a true candidate up for Presidency. I am eager to see what this party can do and to see if they have a legitimate candidate for Presidency. Maybe this is the change that we as a country need to make some proper changes to our Government.
Fox News