Friday, April 11, 2014

Food for Thought. I completely agree with this blog. I agree that Military spending should not be cut. We do need to look at how we spend our money. Making open purchases with government credit cards over spending through contracts would save the government tons of money. We would save so much money if we bought things at "Walmart". We could spend Ten dollars on a toilet seat at Walmart, but instead we buy through contracts and spend Four hundred dollars. This is waste full spending.

     Maybe we should reward programs who don't spend their entire budget; instead of punishing them. Maybe if they didn't spend all of their money we could roll it into the next fiscal year, or even reward them. This is why military spending to a civilian looks ridiculous. The reason why the Government puts money into all of these crazy research programs is because if they don't spend all of the budget next year they will lose it. So they make sure by the end of every quarter all the money is gone. Weather they need to spend it or not. Now where does this seem logic. As parents we tell our children to save their money and "Not spend it all in one place.". But as a Government we can hardly let the ink dry before we blow all the money we have. As my mom always used to say "You act like your money is going to burn a hole in your pocket."

    We need to focus our spending on making sure that our troops have the equipment that they really need. If we focused our spending on the equipment that our troops needed, we might not have as many injured vets or deaths. We are now spending more money taking care of our disabled vets and paying the families of the service members who have passed than in any other war.

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