Friday, April 25, 2014

     Affordable care act- The affordable care act may have a negative effect for Democrats in the Senate race. The affordable care act has been in affect for four years now. But since the deadline this year, American's are finally feeling the pain of the act. 54% of American's say that the act is an important factor on how they vote. The care act could be a defining factor in the midterm elections for the senate.
     This many not be good for the Democrats. Depending on how the people feel this act alone could give up to six seats in the Senate for the Republicans. This could be vey important since we are half way through the Presidents term. This would mean that Republicans would run the house and have an upper hand in the senate. This would not be good for a Democrat President.
     Maybe the Representatives should have thought about how the affordable care act with going to affect the people. The act isn't as affordable to the public as they thought. It is making American's lives harder and now will be the time for American's to show Congress. If nothing else but with their votes. Hopefully this well help Congress understand that the people vote them into Congress, but they can also help remove them.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Food for Thought. I completely agree with this blog. I agree that Military spending should not be cut. We do need to look at how we spend our money. Making open purchases with government credit cards over spending through contracts would save the government tons of money. We would save so much money if we bought things at "Walmart". We could spend Ten dollars on a toilet seat at Walmart, but instead we buy through contracts and spend Four hundred dollars. This is waste full spending.

     Maybe we should reward programs who don't spend their entire budget; instead of punishing them. Maybe if they didn't spend all of their money we could roll it into the next fiscal year, or even reward them. This is why military spending to a civilian looks ridiculous. The reason why the Government puts money into all of these crazy research programs is because if they don't spend all of the budget next year they will lose it. So they make sure by the end of every quarter all the money is gone. Weather they need to spend it or not. Now where does this seem logic. As parents we tell our children to save their money and "Not spend it all in one place.". But as a Government we can hardly let the ink dry before we blow all the money we have. As my mom always used to say "You act like your money is going to burn a hole in your pocket."

    We need to focus our spending on making sure that our troops have the equipment that they really need. If we focused our spending on the equipment that our troops needed, we might not have as many injured vets or deaths. We are now spending more money taking care of our disabled vets and paying the families of the service members who have passed than in any other war.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fox News reports that the Democrats are going to need to do some serious damage control. Since the beginning of the year there have been quite a few democrats getting into trouble. Some allegations of serious offenses. The latest in this string of Democrats in trouble is California Senator Leland Yee who was caught trying to set an undercover agent up with an arms dealer. Senator Yee marks the third serious issue since the beginning of the year. First was Senator Cannon who is entangled in an FBI investigation for Federal Corruption. He supposedly received over $48,000, multiple plane tickets and hotel rooms from an undercover agent as an endorsement. On Friday of last week  Rhode Island Senator Gordon Fox's house and office were raided by the FBI, IRS and local police. The FBI is not yet saying what charges Senator Fox is facing. The next day Senator Fox resigned. With the Democrats having these issues right now they do not seem like a party the people would want to trust. The Democrats might be able to brush these issues off as just a couple bad eggs. Although it is a really bad time right now since the midterms for re election going on. Right now is not the time to be getting in trouble and having your party in the limelight. With this happening this could hurt the Democrats at election time for control of the Senate, the House and the Presidency. It does not help the Democrats since 59% of the people in the US do not agree with the Presidents decisions either. As a whole political party they are not looking like a very trustworthy group. I think it is time for them as a party to clean house of some bad eggs and find some new faces to run for these positions. That might help them come re election time.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tea Party Facing uphill challenge

In this article the author is talking about how the if the Tea Party want to be a possible candidate for the 2016 election the Tea Party is going to have a hard time. The Tea Party met for their five year anniversary in Washington.The Tea Party is running low of funds and in order to be a possible candidate; they are going to need to raise more money.  I think that the author is optimistic about the party. I wouldn't say that they are against the party but more isn't going to believe anything until they see it. I do agree with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz I think we are witnessing some amazing movements with our government. I do think I agree with the author I am not believing everything just yet. I think that if the Tea Party wants to be taken seriously they need to start winning debates and making some serious moves. I think if they can gain some support from some big investors and get some money to help fun their campaign; they may have a chance at putting a true candidate up for Presidency. I am eager to see what this party can do and to see if they have a legitimate candidate for Presidency. Maybe this is the change that we as a country need to make some proper changes to our Government.
Fox News

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fox News. Fox News writer Chris Stirewalt wrote an article about President Obama and his blue print plans for 2015's fiscal budget on Feburary21, 2014. Mr. Stirewalt believes that the President is only making this proposal to suck up to the liberal party so that he can gain their support. The President didn't seem to care about making this proposal in the past or even pay any mind to it before. But now that he could gain the support of the liberals he is all for it. No matter what side the liberal take the Republicans are not likely to take the presidents side on this issue.
     Although Fox News is generally a conservative news base. I do not believe that Mr. Stirewalt article is written for the conservative people just because Fox News is conservative news base. I believe that Mr. Stirewalt's opinion on this is that he agrees with Republicans. I think that he sees the presidents move as just for show in order to gain the liberals support; not that he really cares about this issue. I believe that Mr. Stirewalt's intended audience is Republicans or people who think like him. He also may be trying to get people who are on the fence about the president to see his point of view. I do think that Mr. Stirewalt has logic for his concern. If the president didn't care about an issue before the liberals made a big deal about it. Why would the president change his mind for no reason. A normal person wouldn't unless they were trying to gain something.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The GOP's debt-ceiling farce.
In this article, there is discussion about our nation's debt and how congress is proposing to hold Washington responsible for their spending. Although Congress has many ideas on how they plan to achieve this, our two political parties can not seem to agree on a bill to fix it. Leaving our nation in a standstill. Both parties want to blame one another about who's at fault. Really I think that both parties need to grow up and remember who they are truly hurting. The American People! So far they have attacked retired veteran's benefits after they have already retired. Now the Republicans are talking about tying the repair of the debt ceiling with the repeal of The Affordable Care Act. Either way that congress votes on this issue, the American people "the little guys" are paying the ultimate price. Fixing the ceiling means higher taxes, mortgage rates increasing, and problems with the stock market. If only Congress remembered the average American when making their decisions.